Jennifer Lopez
珍妮弗·洛佩斯(Jennifer Lopez)英 文 名:Jennifer Lopez
大 陆 名:珍妮弗·洛佩斯
香 港 名:珍妮花·露柏丝
台 湾 名:珍妮佛洛佩兹
星 座:獅子座
身 高:5' 6
体 重:121 lbs.
出 生 地:紐約布朗士區
浪漫、热情与掩不住的魅力,向来是典型拉丁情人的注册商标,而拉丁情歌更是传颂不绝的永恒赞美。由去年开始,拉丁热潮可谓席卷全球,既有帅哥RICKY MARTIN,又有靓女JENNIFER LOPEZ,他们以热力四射、激情无限的拉丁舞曲热爆全球并火速普及为当今拉丁流行乐坛天王、天后,掀起了令人难以抵挡的拉丁飓风,一批新老拉丁巨星也在这一阵阵拉丁热浪中浮出水面,使拉丁音乐成了新旧世纪交接时期全世界最热、最受欢迎的音乐风格。
“功夫不负有心人”,这位性感女神依靠她的勤奋和执着,渐渐地获得了崭露头角的机会。在好莱坞这个演艺梦工场,她凭借几部极受欢迎的电影包括:《狂蟒之灾》、与乔治克鲁尼合演的《战略高手》、金奖导演奥立佛史东执导的《上错惊魂路》、大导演柯波拉的作品《家有杰克》,还有今年暑期全美最卖座的新片《细胞》等等。在影迷心目中已建立起既美艳又展现精湛演技的耀眼印象。虽然JENNIFER LOPEZ已是公认的出色女演员,但自幼学习歌舞的她在音乐和舞蹈方面的天赋,也可与她的影视演技相提并论。
一直将音乐视作她生命中重要部分的洛佩兹,在这张《ON THE 6》(六号地下铁)专辑里同时展现了她与外貌一样优美的歌喉,以及她在音乐创作上的才气。专辑中收录了三首珍妮佛参与谱写的歌曲。至于专辑名称的由来则是因为珍妮佛在成名前经常乘从地铁六号线,往返于纽约市区和家里所在的BRONX区之间,她觉得这段地铁族时期是她成长过程中一段难以忘怀的时光,而且她在车上看到了许多形形色色不同的人,所以她将自己的首张专辑命名为《ON THE 6》。这张专辑让乐迷及影迷们看到珍妮佛难以抵挡的拉丁旋风,为这位影视歌多栖红星的灿烂前程做出漂亮的预示。
专辑中,为这位影坛天之骄女,歌坛潜力新秀跨刀担任制作的,都是赫赫有名的歌坛大人物,其中包括有:葛莱美奖得主、名制作人RODNEY JERKINS,拉丁天王制作EMILIO ESTEFAN,当今黑人乐界人气最旺的创作歌手PUFF DADDY《吹牛老爹》等等。
专辑推出后,在国际乐坛上已渐见成绩。在全球多个地区《ON THE 6》有良好的销售成绩,可见洛佩兹的歌唱实力不容置疑。首支单曲“IF YOU HAD MY LOVE”,在热情拉丁节奏中夹杂着节奏蓝调/饶舌乐的精髓,以迅雷不及掩耳之态势直逼歌坛天后的宝座,成功打入BILLBOARD单曲榜榜首位置,更凭此曲提名葛莱美及AMERICAN MUSIC AWARD的“BEST FEMALE ARTIST”或“BEST NEW ARTIST”等奖项。而音乐录像中,珍妮佛浑身所散发的拉丁热情魅力,把一个天生歌影全才展现在众人面前。
与电影《蒙面侠苏洛》主题曲主唱MARC ANTHONY深情对唱的“NO ME AMES”是展示珍妮佛卓越唱功的佳作:“COULD THIS BE LOVE”更是值得再三细细品味的抒情歌曲;“OPEN OFF MY LOVE”将传统拉丁SALSA音乐与现代舞曲完美结合;PUFF DADDY参与创作演出的“FEELIN‘SO GOOD”有着欢娱的庆祝气氛。
面对如此紧张的工作安排,她镇定自若:“电影和歌唱事业我都不会放弃,它们对我来说是相辅相成的,我喜欢电影制作的一整套严格的规程,也喜欢在音乐中自由自在地抒发个人情感。我已经对艰苦的工作习以为常,绝不会轻易言败。以前我没有指望有现在这样的生活,拍完一部电影第二天又能接到一部新戏。但现在我觉得自己有足够的活力和雄心为了工作熬夜,当机会来临时,我想尽力抓住它们,认真地去做好每一件事。 Lopez_1.jpg Lopez_2.jpg Lopez_3.jpg Lopez_4.jpg Lopez_5.jpg Lopez_6.jpg Lopez_7.jpg Lopez_8.jpg Lopez_9.jpg Lopez_10.jpg Lopez_11.jpg Lopez_12.jpg Lopez_13.jpg Lopez_14.jpg Lopez_15.jpg Lopez_16.jpg Lopez_17.jpg Lopez_18.jpg Lopez_19.jpg Lopez_20.jpg Lopez_21.jpg Lopez_22.jpg Lopez_23.jpg Lopez_24.jpg Lopez_25.jpg Lopez_26.jpg Lopez_27.jpg Lopez_28.jpg Lopez_29.jpg
All I Have ft LL Cool J
Love is life and life is livin'
It's very special
All my love...
(Baby, don't go)
(Baby, don't go) Yeah
(Baby, don't go, uh)
(Baby, don't go) Yeah
(Baby, don't go)
(Baby, don't go) Yeah, yeah
(Why you act like that)
It's such a shame, but I'm leavin'
Can't take the way you mistreated me
And it's crazy, but oh, baby
It don't matter, whatever, don't phase me
Uh, uh, uh
I don't believe you wanna leave like this
I don't believe I just had my last real kiss
I do believe we'll laugh and reminisce
Wait a minute, don't bounce, baby, let's talk about this, man
Well, I'm bouncin' and I'm out, son
I gotta leave you alone
'Cause I'm good holdin' my spot
And I'm good reppin' the girls on the block
And I'm good, I got this thing on lock
So without me you'll be fine, right
All my pride is all I have
(Pride is what you had, baby girl, I'm what you have)
You'll be needin' me, but too bad
(Be easy, don't make decisions when you mad)
You had to your choice to run alone
(I know you're independent, you can make it on your own)
Here with me you had a home, oh, yeah
(But time is of the essence, why spend it alone, huh)
The nights I waited up for you (Oh, boy)
Promises you made about comin' through
So much time you wasted
That's why I had to replace you
Uh, uh, uh
It makes a cat nervous, the thought of settlin' down
Especially me, I was creepin' all over town
I thought my tender touch could lock you down
I knew I had you, as cocky as it sounds
That's the way you used to giggle right before I put it down
It's better when you angry, come here, I'll prove it now, come here
Stop playin, you gamin'
I gotta leave you alone
'Cause I'm good holdin' my spot (Stop actin' like
And I'm good reppin' the girls on the block (Now you
know you need to stop)
And I'm good, I got this thing on lock
So without me you'll be fine, right (Here we go)
All my pride is all I have
(Pride is what you had, baby girl, I'm what you have)
You'll be needin' me, but too bad
(Be easy, don't make decisions when you mad)
You had to your choice to run alone
(I know you're independent, you can make it on your
Here with me you had a home, oh, yeah
(But time is of the essence, why spend it alone, huh)
People make mistakes to make up, to break
To wake up cold and lonely, chill, baby, you know me
You love me, I'm like your homey
Instead of beef you come hold me
I promise I'm not a phony
Don't bounce, baby, console me, come here
Ain't nothin' you can say to me that can change my mind
I gotta let you go now
And nothin' will ever be the same, so just be on your way
Go 'head and do your thing now
And there's no more to explain to me, you no
I know your game and I'm feelin' what you do
So I'm bouncin' and I'm out, son
I gotta leave you alone, yeah, yeah
All my pride is all I have
(Pride is what you had, baby girl, I'm what you have)
You'll be needin' me, but too bad
(Be easy, don't make decisions when you mad)
You had to your choice to run alone
(I know you're independent, you can make it on your own)
Here with me you had a home, oh, yeah
(But time is of the essence, why spend it alone, huh)
All my pride is all I have
(Pride is what you had, baby girl, I'm what you have)
You'll be needin' me, but too bad
(Be easy, don't make decisions when you mad)
You had to your choice to run alone
(I know you're independent, you can make it on your own)
Here with me you had a home, oh, yeah
(But time is of the essence, why spend it alone, huh)
I promise you
You know what I'm sayin' I Have ft LL Cool J.mp3 西方女人特有的魅力。
Jennifer Lopez
珍妮弗·洛佩斯(Jennifer Lopez)英 文 名:Jennifer Lopez
大 陆 名:珍妮弗·洛佩斯
香 港 名:珍妮花·露柏丝
台 湾 名:珍妮佛洛佩兹
星 座:獅子座
身 高:5' 6
体 重:121 lbs.
出 生 地:紐約布朗士區
浪漫、热情与掩不住的魅力,向来是典型拉丁情人的注册商标,而拉丁情歌更是传颂不绝的永恒赞美。由去年开始,拉丁热潮可谓席卷全球,既有帅哥RICKY MARTIN,又有靓女JENNIFER LOPEZ,他们以热力四射、激情无限的拉丁舞曲热爆全球并火速普及为当今拉丁流行乐坛天王、天后,掀起了令人难以抵挡的拉丁飓风,一批新老拉丁巨星也在这一阵阵拉丁热浪中浮出水面,使拉丁音乐成了新旧世纪交接时期全世界最热、最受欢迎的音乐风格。
“功夫不负有心人”,这位性感女神依靠她的勤奋和执着,渐渐地获得了崭露头角的机会。在好莱坞这个演艺梦工场,她凭借几部极受欢迎的电影包括:《狂蟒之灾》、与乔治克鲁尼合演的《战略高手》、金奖导演奥立佛史东执导的《上错惊魂路》、大导演柯波拉的作品《家有杰克》,还有今年暑期全美最卖座的新片《细胞》等等。在影迷心目中已建立起既美艳又展现精湛演技的耀眼印象。虽然JENNIFER LOPEZ已是公认的出色女演员,但自幼学习歌舞的她在音乐和舞蹈方面的天赋,也可与她的影视演技相提并论。
一直将音乐视作她生命中重要部分的洛佩兹,在这张《ON THE 6》(六号地下铁)专辑里同时展现了她与外貌一样优美的歌喉,以及她在音乐创作上的才气。专辑中收录了三首珍妮佛参与谱写的歌曲。至于专辑名称的由来则是因为珍妮佛在成名前经常乘从地铁六号线,往返于纽约市区和家里所在的BRONX区之间,她觉得这段地铁族时期是她成长过程中一段难以忘怀的时光,而且她在车上看到了许多形形色色不同的人,所以她将自己的首张专辑命名为《ON THE 6》。这张专辑让乐迷及影迷们看到珍妮佛难以抵挡的拉丁旋风,为这位影视歌多栖红星的灿烂前程做出漂亮的预示。
专辑中,为这位影坛天之骄女,歌坛潜力新秀跨刀担任制作的,都是赫赫有名的歌坛大人物,其中包括有:葛莱美奖得主、名制作人RODNEY JERKINS,拉丁天王制作EMILIO ESTEFAN,当今黑人乐界人气最旺的创作歌手PUFF DADDY《吹牛老爹》等等。
专辑推出后,在国际乐坛上已渐见成绩。在全球多个地区《ON THE 6》有良好的销售成绩,可见洛佩兹的歌唱实力不容置疑。首支单曲“IF YOU HAD MY LOVE”,在热情拉丁节奏中夹杂着节奏蓝调/饶舌乐的精髓,以迅雷不及掩耳之态势直逼歌坛天后的宝座,成功打入BILLBOARD单曲榜榜首位置,更凭此曲提名葛莱美及AMERICAN MUSIC AWARD的“BEST FEMALE ARTIST”或“BEST NEW ARTIST”等奖项。而音乐录像中,珍妮佛浑身所散发的拉丁热情魅力,把一个天生歌影全才展现在众人面前。
与电影《蒙面侠苏洛》主题曲主唱MARC ANTHONY深情对唱的“NO ME AMES”是展示珍妮佛卓越唱功的佳作:“COULD THIS BE LOVE”更是值得再三细细品味的抒情歌曲;“OPEN OFF MY LOVE”将传统拉丁SALSA音乐与现代舞曲完美结合;PUFF DADDY参与创作演出的“FEELIN‘SO GOOD”有着欢娱的庆祝气氛。
面对如此紧张的工作安排,她镇定自若:“电影和歌唱事业我都不会放弃,它们对我来说是相辅相成的,我喜欢电影制作的一整套严格的规程,也喜欢在音乐中自由自在地抒发个人情感。我已经对艰苦的工作习以为常,绝不会轻易言败。以前我没有指望有现在这样的生活,拍完一部电影第二天又能接到一部新戏。但现在我觉得自己有足够的活力和雄心为了工作熬夜,当机会来临时,我想尽力抓住它们,认真地去做好每一件事。 Lopez_1.jpg Lopez_2.jpg Lopez_3.jpg Lopez_4.jpg Lopez_5.jpg Lopez_6.jpg Lopez_7.jpg Lopez_8.jpg Lopez_9.jpg Lopez_10.jpg Lopez_11.jpg Lopez_12.jpg Lopez_13.jpg Lopez_14.jpg Lopez_15.jpg Lopez_16.jpg Lopez_17.jpg Lopez_18.jpg Lopez_19.jpg Lopez_20.jpg Lopez_21.jpg Lopez_22.jpg Lopez_23.jpg Lopez_24.jpg Lopez_25.jpg Lopez_26.jpg Lopez_27.jpg Lopez_28.jpg Lopez_29.jpg
All I Have ft LL Cool J
Love is life and life is livin'
It's very special
All my love...
(Baby, don't go)
(Baby, don't go) Yeah
(Baby, don't go, uh)
(Baby, don't go) Yeah
(Baby, don't go)
(Baby, don't go) Yeah, yeah
(Why you act like that)
It's such a shame, but I'm leavin'
Can't take the way you mistreated me
And it's crazy, but oh, baby
It don't matter, whatever, don't phase me
Uh, uh, uh
I don't believe you wanna leave like this
I don't believe I just had my last real kiss
I do believe we'll laugh and reminisce
Wait a minute, don't bounce, baby, let's talk about this, man
Well, I'm bouncin' and I'm out, son
I gotta leave you alone
'Cause I'm good holdin' my spot
And I'm good reppin' the girls on the block
And I'm good, I got this thing on lock
So without me you'll be fine, right
All my pride is all I have
(Pride is what you had, baby girl, I'm what you have)
You'll be needin' me, but too bad
(Be easy, don't make decisions when you mad)
You had to your choice to run alone
(I know you're independent, you can make it on your own)
Here with me you had a home, oh, yeah
(But time is of the essence, why spend it alone, huh)
The nights I waited up for you (Oh, boy)
Promises you made about comin' through
So much time you wasted
That's why I had to replace you
Uh, uh, uh
It makes a cat nervous, the thought of settlin' down
Especially me, I was creepin' all over town
I thought my tender touch could lock you down
I knew I had you, as cocky as it sounds
That's the way you used to giggle right before I put it down
It's better when you angry, come here, I'll prove it now, come here
Stop playin, you gamin'
I gotta leave you alone
'Cause I'm good holdin' my spot (Stop actin' like
And I'm good reppin' the girls on the block (Now you
know you need to stop)
And I'm good, I got this thing on lock
So without me you'll be fine, right (Here we go)
All my pride is all I have
(Pride is what you had, baby girl, I'm what you have)
You'll be needin' me, but too bad
(Be easy, don't make decisions when you mad)
You had to your choice to run alone
(I know you're independent, you can make it on your
Here with me you had a home, oh, yeah
(But time is of the essence, why spend it alone, huh)
People make mistakes to make up, to break
To wake up cold and lonely, chill, baby, you know me
You love me, I'm like your homey
Instead of beef you come hold me
I promise I'm not a phony
Don't bounce, baby, console me, come here
Ain't nothin' you can say to me that can change my mind
I gotta let you go now
And nothin' will ever be the same, so just be on your way
Go 'head and do your thing now
And there's no more to explain to me, you no
I know your game and I'm feelin' what you do
So I'm bouncin' and I'm out, son
I gotta leave you alone, yeah, yeah
All my pride is all I have
(Pride is what you had, baby girl, I'm what you have)
You'll be needin' me, but too bad
(Be easy, don't make decisions when you mad)
You had to your choice to run alone
(I know you're independent, you can make it on your own)
Here with me you had a home, oh, yeah
(But time is of the essence, why spend it alone, huh)
All my pride is all I have
(Pride is what you had, baby girl, I'm what you have)
You'll be needin' me, but too bad
(Be easy, don't make decisions when you mad)
You had to your choice to run alone
(I know you're independent, you can make it on your own)
Here with me you had a home, oh, yeah
(But time is of the essence, why spend it alone, huh)
I promise you
You know what I'm sayin' I Have ft LL Cool J.mp3