nbip 发表于 2006 年 1 月 21 日 09:36:58


<table width="130" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspace="0">
     SqlList = "SELECT C.ProID, C.ProModel, C.ProName, C.ProImage1, C.ProImage2, A.MaxID, A.MaxName FROM ProductMax10 AS A INNER JOIN ProductList10 AS C ON A.MaxID = C.MaxID "
     SqlList = SqlList + " WHERE C.ProID >= 1 And C.ProNew = 1 "
     SqlList = SqlList + " ORDER BY C.ProRank, C.ProUpdateTime DESC , C.ProID DESC "
     set RsList = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
     RsList.open SqlList, objConn, 1, 1
     if RsList.eof or RsList.bof then
     for RsList_i = 1 to 15
             if not RsList.eof then

<table width="130" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspace="0">
     if isnull(RsList("ProImage1")) =false and trim(RsList("ProImage1")) <> "" then
Set Fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
IfFs.FileExists( Server.MapPath("../Admin/Product10/ProImage1/"&RsList("ProImage1"))) Then
                   <a href="javascript:winopen('../03_products/proshow.asp?ID=<% = RsList("ProID") %>&MaxID=<% = RsList("MaxID") %>',600,480)" title="<% = "产品型号:"&Server.Htmlencode(RsList("ProModel"))%>"><img src="../admin/Product10/ProImage1/<% = RsList("ProImage1") %>" border="0" width="120" height="120" align="middle" alt="<% = "产品型号:"&Server.Htmlencode(RsList("ProModel")) %>"></a>
End If
Set Fs = nothing
     end if

<a href="javascript:winopen('../03_products/proshow.asp?ID=<% = RsList("ProID") %>&MaxID=<% = RsList("MaxID") %>',600,480)" title="<% = "产品型号:"&Server.Htmlencode(RsList("ProModel")) %>">
                   <% = gotTopic( RsList("ProModel"), 20 )%>

     end if
     if RsList.eof then exit for
     end if
     set RsList = nothing



ppopcn_also 发表于 2006 年 1 月 21 日 09:42:31


nbip 发表于 2006 年 1 月 21 日 09:47:32


ppopcn_also 发表于 2006 年 1 月 21 日 09:56:23

 SqlList = "SELECT C.ProID, C.ProModel, C.ProName, C.ProImage1, C.ProImage2, A.MaxID, A.MaxName FROM ProductMax10 AS A INNER JOIN ProductList10 AS C ON A.MaxID = C.MaxID "
 SqlList = SqlList + " WHERE C.ProID >= 2 And C.ProNew = 2 "
 SqlList = SqlList + " ORDER BY C.ProRank, C.ProUpdateTime DESC , C.ProID DESC "
 set RsList = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
 RsList.open SqlList, objConn, 1, 1
 if RsList.eof or RsList.bof then
 for RsList_i = 1 to 15

nbip 发表于 2006 年 1 月 21 日 10:14:53


hliang0813 发表于 2006 年 1 月 21 日 10:23:13


nbip 发表于 2006 年 1 月 21 日 09:36:58


<table width="130" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspace="0">
     SqlList = "SELECT C.ProID, C.ProModel, C.ProName, C.ProImage1, C.ProImage2, A.MaxID, A.MaxName FROM ProductMax10 AS A INNER JOIN ProductList10 AS C ON A.MaxID = C.MaxID "
     SqlList = SqlList + " WHERE C.ProID >= 1 And C.ProNew = 1 "
     SqlList = SqlList + " ORDER BY C.ProRank, C.ProUpdateTime DESC , C.ProID DESC "
     set RsList = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
     RsList.open SqlList, objConn, 1, 1
     if RsList.eof or RsList.bof then
     for RsList_i = 1 to 15
             if not RsList.eof then

<table width="130" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspace="0">
     if isnull(RsList("ProImage1")) =false and trim(RsList("ProImage1")) <> "" then
Set Fs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
IfFs.FileExists( Server.MapPath("../Admin/Product10/ProImage1/"&RsList("ProImage1"))) Then
                   <a href="javascript:winopen('../03_products/proshow.asp?ID=<% = RsList("ProID") %>&MaxID=<% = RsList("MaxID") %>',600,480)" title="<% = "产品型号:"&Server.Htmlencode(RsList("ProModel"))%>"><img src="../admin/Product10/ProImage1/<% = RsList("ProImage1") %>" border="0" width="120" height="120" align="middle" alt="<% = "产品型号:"&Server.Htmlencode(RsList("ProModel")) %>"></a>
End If
Set Fs = nothing
     end if

<a href="javascript:winopen('../03_products/proshow.asp?ID=<% = RsList("ProID") %>&MaxID=<% = RsList("MaxID") %>',600,480)" title="<% = "产品型号:"&Server.Htmlencode(RsList("ProModel")) %>">
                   <% = gotTopic( RsList("ProModel"), 20 )%>

     end if
     if RsList.eof then exit for
     end if
     set RsList = nothing


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