2.1 我问一句asp的语言??
Your database was created successfullyDatabase Name : niwota
Database Password : *******
ADODB Connection String :
dbconn.Open "driver={SQL Server};server=IONWD4;database=niwota;uid=niwota;password=******"
Return to hosting management
Your IONWD hosting space can be accessed via HTTP at http://niwota.ionwd.com. A user site folder was created for you which can be accessed with the login credentials below at ftp://niwota@ftp2.ionwd.com/. You may also use your own copy of our online file manager at http://niwota.ionwd.com/fileman.asp. To manage your hosting space please visit http://users.ionwd.com/Hosting.asp.
======= 顶啊 好贴