cxcool cxto dnsadminMore options 29-Jan (2 days ago)
sorry, i hav just read the rules....
i will keep all my record in one account..
and please unlock my account : cxcoolk5this is the account i need to unlock
only this one
thanks a lot
i will obey the rules~~
Joshua Andersonto me
sssss ssss致 dnsadmin
更多选项 1月30日 (16小时前)
i was just unlocked my account
thanks a lot
but could youdo me a favour again
i need to change the e-mail address of my account
because the old one is dead......
my account is:cxcoolk5
my new e-mail address is cxcoolk2@gmail.com
i need to remain a member....so i have to use this mail to filled the membership continuance page
thanks again~~
Joshua Anderson致 我
Yes, this has been completed.
cxcool cxcool致 dnsadmin
更多选项 12:06 (2小时前)
Your signup credentials are:
Name: anskerf channpinter
Username: angeldustneo
Signup IP:
Signup Date: 2007-01-29 05:53:04
i was just reg my own account
i use the sevice for only one day....
i don't know why my account freezed
it told me to put all record in one account but i have only this one, and only one record
so have to tell this to you
thank you , looking forward for your reply
Joshua Anderson致 我
Ok, this account has been restored.
这个故事教育了我们,帐号被封要直接写信给他们老板理论 不用他也罢 不知道什么意思...偶不会英文... 鸟语花香!!!!
:lol :lol :lol