Hello czhy,
Hello czhy,Your hosting account has been suspended with WyvernHosting.
If you feel that this is incorrect or that a mistake has been made, please notify the support department immediately.
Thank you,
:Q :Q 用MJ的后果 :$ 删了全部了:P
[ 本帖最后由 ashun 于 2007-2-10 09:53 编辑 ] webmaster @ wyvernhosting. net <webmaster@wyvernhosting.net>
显示详细信息4:47 (4小时前)
All Accounts have been suspended, and will be deleted, unless you reply back and confirm you will agree to the TOS, and upload a website that will not contain illegal content. a number of accounts were warned, and 1 had to be deleted because of a ton of spam being sent out.
Please reply with your account name, domain/subdomain, what you plan to use the hosting for, and saying you accept the terms of service, which mentions no illegal content, and states spam email cannot be sent out, and you have to put a google ad on your webpage.
Sorry about the inconvenience to accounts that signed up to use this service for legitimate reasons. 为什么挂你