do you have an existing website which I canlook into? This is to know if you are already knowledgeable in
creating/maintaining a website
is a chinese website. I dont understand anything
as all is written in chinese characters. I only allow either English
or Filipino websites to be hosted in my servers
I can help you but since I really do not know you, please promise me
that you will follow our TOS and that you wont run scripts that are
illegal and insecure, and that will damage or cause harm to the server
and to the other accounts hosted in this server 这些都是老外发来的信,十几封信下来...偶太不容易了,还没开,都是国人....咳..无语了,我自己也干过很多的,现在老外对国人已经缺乏最基本的信任了
回复 #2 nc-c 的帖子
回复 #3 ppopcn 的帖子
给我几个他们的mail来,这年头换人也不容易啊,我得找到他们的mail来啊,这个我是一定要拿下的,十几封信拿不下那英语就是百学了,不让我放中文我就不放... 昨天水了120G的空间,不知道能用几天.回复 #5 kingfong 的帖子
听我的..做 XX站
回复 #6 ppopcn 的帖子
你给我的第一个老外是不是商业化了? 原帖由 ppopcn 于 2007-2-21 14:21 发表听我的..
做 XX站
他说鸟不能放XX滴,WHM权限也米给偶开:'( 就是LZ黑人服务器太多了
run scripts that are
illegal and insecure, and that will damage or cause harm to the server
不怕你porn或crack 就怕你搞人家服务器
回复 #9 chungwoo 的帖子