NND给我 开通个不告诉我IP2007/04/05
hebei jinke
Congratulations! Your web hosting account is ready! This e-mail
contains basic setup instructions and details on the features of
your hosting package.
For more information you can always reference our online customer
support area at: http://www.i6networks.com/support.shtml
Login & Password Details
Domain: d6y.net
IP Address: Auto
UserName/Login: neuawpja
Password: NA
Document Root: /home/neuawpja/public_html/
Temporary WWW site: http://Auto/~neuawpja/
Secure Server: https://.secureguards.com/~neuawpja/
You must use these settings for:
FrontPage, FTP, Mail, Control Panel, WebMail & Telnet.
Uploading your files with FTP
To upload your files with FTP you will need an FTP client.
Here is the info you need to configure your FTP client:
Domain: d6y.net
IP Address: Auto
UserName/Login: neuawpja
Password: NA
You can substitute your domain name, for the IP number once
your registration or transfer is complete. 偶54欧美空间,偶的小日本空间一般都活几年了 MJJ 1个米到处绑.....;P
回复 #5 hbxtjsl 的帖子