回复 #20 hotboy 的帖子
欠偶空间1个...... Update on April 20th 3:31 PMServer Transfer is at approx 40% done
Reason ? because illgeal scripts / files / null verisons / warez / all that stuff that we told people not to host even though they did, it was slowing and lagging down the server..
also the datacenter was very mad about this situation, so we are moving servers, and deleting the accounts with any seed of illgeal files.
We are providing a free service, to no cost to you... Having people hosting warez ,etc ... really hurts this type of business ... We GET NO PROFIT .. We are doing this out of our free time.
Also, if you don't like this downtime, maybe you should buy paid hosting. .. ohh yea they don't allow warez either :>
NEW NAMESERVER ns2.xerteamspeak.com
Cpanel login:
Your login might not work till full transfer is done !
We are aware of the " SERVER problems"
We are trying to fix this issue.. ... we might be moving servers also, nothing will be required on your side, but this might take a while. 发纯e文的都MJJ.... MSN SUPPORT NOW
Add: sideshiftweb@msn.com - Mehul Chaudhari Owner / WHM / TS /
Add: matticepeter@hotmail.com - Peter - WHM Tech
Add: amy1993881205@hotmail.com - Amy - WHM Tech
Add: drunken79@hotmail.com - GreenDay2k - Forum Mod
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