Why doesn't allow Chinese?I want to konw that,thanks a lot.
RE: Why doesn't allow Chinese?
What about Japanese & Korean?
RE: Why doesn't allow Chinese?
Chances are, it is because of the coding of MyBB. It probably does not support unicode, and thus it only display characters originating from the Greek/Latin Alphabets. So, languages like Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Thai, and others will not properly show up after they have been parsed. There is a way to fix this, but it would require some moding to the forum software. Perhaps the admin may decide to implement a fix for you.
think he is referring to the TOS>>>
Customers Responsibility
Customers are responsible for the security of thier client area/cPanel ID, and passwords. We cannot be held responsible for communication mixup's as a direct result of the customers failure to update their details.
Language/Restriction-We do not allow Chinese , Arabic languages on our hosting server we see anyone trying to fake their hosting account and we see its a Arabic or Chinese language we will terminate the account right away.
RE: Why doesn't allow Chinese?
The reason why we don't allow Chinese and Arabic websites is because on our formal server.
Chinese broke the TOS by completing a huge wares site and other illegal stuff
Chinese used a huge resource for Discuss board which stopped the server.
Not in a racism way but we got a report of 99 % of Chinese users who request free hosting don't even bother to read the TOS and breaks it
RE: Why doesn't allow Chinese?
Yes. Completely in agreement. I have used many free hosts and I can maintain that the servers were very often in attack from Chinese users and there were many warez sites (70 percents from China and about 30 percent -Turkey) 人家不允许就不允许吧
腆着脸再向人家要就更没意思了 碰上这种事偶早闪 不丢那人 是啊
我们是骨气的 偶尔去那里转了一圈看到的,大概意思也明白了,那个同胞够可以的啊。~!
非的在一棵树上掉死啊 看来一个人一个想法一个看法,我们谁和谁也无法苟同啊 因为CN朋友喜欢用外国免费做XXX,非要在别人的虚拟空间里放耗费整个SERVER的内容,所以把人搞怕了 呵呵~没办法,一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅汤