:'(Dear Sirs,
In connection with specification of data on domains A**.NET.RU, **K.NET.RU, **6.NET.RU,
registrant - Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Торговый дом, please, confirm the contact information
for 666838-ORG-RIPN in RIPN database.
Current information for 666838-ORG-RIPN is:
org: Society with the limited responsibility the commercial house
org-r: Общество с ограниченной ответственностью Торговый дом
address-r: 629604, Россия, Тюменская область, ЯНАО, г. Муравленко, ул. Нефтяников, д 89/4
code: 890**574 40**816 4**13
We request you to confirm these data up to 27 Jan 2003,
by sending to RIPN copies of "Certificates on Statement registration
of juridical person" and
"Certificates on Statement registration in tax organ".
RIPN fax number: +7 495 7370602
Please, be advised that if the required information is not provided
domains delegation will be suspended.
In case the information will not be confirmed/changed up to 27-JUN-2007,
delegation of the domains AAC.NET.RU, CNK.NET.RU, WW6.NET.RU
will be stopped then domains will be deleted.
RIPN's Administrative group
E-mail: ru-ncc@ripn.net
Phone: (495) 737-0601
[ 本帖最后由 wxinlin 于 2007-5-29 09:32 编辑 ] 不懂,帮你顶:o 即将被K,除非你可发传真以证明你的身份是属实的.
上帝保佑你.阿门:hug: 发传真 第一次听说 相关主题 本功能由奇虎搜索实现点击查看更多相关主题
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:L :L :L RIPN fax number: +7 495 7370602 还有什么办法没啊 只有传真了:L :L :L 好像可以扫描,然后发email