1个多月后H球开通了 但是..
Dear Myra Hench,Thank you for choosing Medcop.Net for your Web hosting needs. We look forward to working with you to make sure you get the most of your account, and we wish you success with your online venture.
It can take 24-72 hours before DNS servers across the world are updated with the new name servers.
In the meantime, your website can be accessed with the following URL:
To access your account with the Control Panel, use the following information:
Account ID: 1432533
To access your account by FTP, use:
Host Name: win04.secureserverdot.com
Login: fdfdf
Password: **
Thank you for your business,
Medcop.Net New Account: Windows 50 收件箱
http://mail.google.com/mail/images/reply.gif 回复http://mail.google.com/mail/images/card_button_d.gifhttp://mail.google.com/mail/images/reply_all.gif 回复所有人http://mail.google.com/mail/images/forward.gif 转发http://mail.google.com/mail/images/reply.gif 打印http://mail.google.com/mail/images/reply.gif 将 medcop@medcop.net 添加到通讯录http://mail.google.com/mail/images/reply.gif 删除此邮件http://mail.google.com/mail/images/reply.gif 这是网络欺诈http://mail.google.com/mail/images/reply.gif 显示原始邮件http://mail.google.com/mail/images/reply.gif 邮件内容出现乱码?
http://mail.google.com/mail/images/star_off_sm_2.gif http://mail.google.com/mail/im/smlnopresence.gifmedcop@medcop.net致 gggbbs
Dear Myra Hench,
Thank you for signing up with Medcop.Net. We will be able to complete your account set-up as soon as we have received your payment.
You have chosen the following plan: Windows 50
SETUP Setup Fee Windows 50 Plan $25.00
RECURRENT Monthly fee for Windows 50 Plan (4/21/07 - 5/21/07) $8.00
SETUP Setup Fee Vhost Alias $2.00
SETUP Setup Fee ASP Resource $2.00
RECURRENT Monthly fee for ASP Resource (4/21/07 - 5/21/07) $1.00
SETUP Setup Fee ASP.NET $2.00
RECURRENT Monthly fee for ASP.NET (4/21/07 - 5/21/07) $1.00
TOTAL: $41.00
To replenish your balance, follow this link: https://r10290.res.secureserverdot.com:8443/psoft/servlet/psoft.hsphere.payment.PayPal.payment?amount=41.0&trans_id=mail-8506&cp_url=https://r10290.res.secureserverdot.com:8443/psoft/servlet/&action=redirect&description=
We will notify you as soon as your payment has been received and processed. At that point, you will be able to access your control panel.
If you have any problems or questions, contact our tech support at:
Dear Myra Hench,
You have chosen to transfer domain "205.com.do". To complete the transfer, you need to contact your Domain registrar and have the DNS information changed; otherwise your site will never be available online.
These are the target DNS settings:
Domain name: 205.com.do
Primary DNS server: ns1.medcop.net
Secondary DNS server: ns2.medcop.net 忘记在这个用户名了 密码找回.... 忘记用户名了 密码知道 试了好多个都是 User not found http://d1432552.m64.medcop.net/
这个速度好快的好象 自动续费? 效率真低