Dear Aaron Benjamin,Your hosting account 'aarben' is about to expire on Jun 27, 2007. There are 30 days remaining in which you need to renew it. If your account expires your website will stop working and you will not be able to receive any e-mails.
If you are using the free hosting services, you can simply renew your hosting account free of charge. Please note that you may be required to pay for any additional service upgrades if you have previously ordered such.
To renew your account please follow these steps:
1. Login to your hosting Control Panel here:
Login: *********
Password: ***********
2. Click on the 'Renew Plan' link located in the upper left corner of the Control Panel (under Upgrades).
3. If you have added any additional service upgrades to your account, you can select which you’d like to renew as well.
After you complete these steps all you have to do is to proceed to the secured payment page. We accept multi-currency payments via two methods - credit/debit cards and PayPal.
If you have any questions regarding our service or if you need someone to help you with renewing your account or domain name, feel free to contact us by opening a new ticket inside the Control Panel (click Open New Ticket in the Help Center section).
Thank you for using our services!
Best Regards,
The FreeHostia Team
提示大家有必要续用!!! 是很好的一个空间. 很多地方要代理访问~~~~~~~~~~ 楼上的签名咋这么熟悉. 记得老早的时候在哪里看到过.
老兄你是复制的吧.;P 这可以提前更新的
Dear chung woo,
Your FREE hosting account - chungwoocn has EXPIRED! Every FREE user of Pandela, must renew
his FREE hosting plan every month. To do so, you must log-in to the control panel,
using your username and password on click on the Renew Account button in the
left corner. You will be asked to type a verification code and after a successful
entry, you account will be renewed.
Please note that renew is FREE!
You account has expired on: 2007-05-29
Note that now your websites are not working, to get them back online, you have
30 days to log-in to the control panel and renew your account, if you don't do so,
your sites and account are going to be DELETED from our servers.
看来是一直免下去了 偶有3个:lol 无法显示 除了稳定
封ip的 我绑的米都不知绑在哪个号上了:Q
想改下程序都不行 挂代理的.....