Visit: ZendURLhttp://www.zendurl.com/
(Click above to go to this free web site hosting service.)
Interests: Personal, Business.
Free Web Space: 500+ MB.
Forced Ads: No ads (bannerless).
Your Ads: Allowed.
Upload: FTP, Browser.
Editor: Advanced, Basic, WYSIWYG.
Scripting: CGI, PHP, ASP, SSI, Perl.
Pre-Scripts: Message Board Forum, Shopping Cart, Script collection.
Your URL: Top-level domain name, or Subdomain.
Other Features:
* Bandwidth limit 15,000 MB/month.
* PostgreSQL, MySQL databases, phpmyadmin, phpPgAdmin.
* Script AutoInstaller.
* POP3 Email, Forwarders.
* Autoresponders.
* Addon domains.
* Cron jobs allowed (by request).
* Webalizer statistics.
* Custom error pages.
* SSL Secure Server. 打不开 打不开 的确打不开 偶这里也打不开地说 飘过乘法方法方法方法方法 发 无法显示! 无聊... 挂代理都打不开!!晕~~ 06年初的空间, 上午挂代理能打开,以前只是html空间,删了用户以重新来了