回信:Dear Reed,
Your new account is: http://reed.siteside.info log-in here.
You should have got mail from us - containing your account details.
If you need any further assistance - site building help, more space, bandwidth or databases - please contact us at support@siteside.info or by contact form here or post in our forum.
怎么上不了!? 没申请过呀,写信的饿太麻烦了 …… SiteSide group is a part, but a different company of byethost 什么意思啊? SiteSide group is a part, but a different company of byethost
回复 #4 chungwoo 的帖子
好拽... 写信的不要.. 什么意思哦? 4楼是半个洋鬼子,常炮阳谈子..