http://cp.9th.in/psoft/servlet/psoft.hsphere.CP 谁帮忙做个LOGO啊.. 呵呵 坚挺啊 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Disk space MB Included 1000 MBMonthly transfer GB Included 10 GB
决定 弄一个 谢谢了 有什么要求嘛。。。。。 没有看到哪里有写免费的啊? Failed to create Account
The previous request for the user creation has been locked in. If it fails, try to sign up from scratch. To access your account by FTP, use:
Host Name: web0100.9th.in
Login: lovou
Password: *******
无法FTP啊! LS.我也是刚申请的,可以FTP啊. 这个空间稳定性怎么样啊?