000webhost.com <clients@000webhost.com>
Hello,Few days ago you have signup for a free hosting account on www.000webhost.com
Today I am writing to you to ask are you satisfied in our hosting services? Have you already uploaded your website? Is there anything we can help you?
By the way, if your account failed to setup you can retry at:
If you like our services, can you add a link from your website to http://www.000webhost.com ? It would be your biggest support for us!
And if you will ever need assistance or have any questions, please logon to http://www.000webhost.com/members/ and submit a ticket, we will be more than happy to help you ;)
Also, did you know that with 000webhost.com you can earn big money?
Check out our affiliate program, it is really worth to signup even if you are not going to use our hosting services:
Anyway, good luck with your website :)
Client Manager
www.000webhost.com 打倒楼主的id 强 原帖由 唐建仁 于 2008-3-31 21:59 发表 http://www.jgwy.net/images/common/back.gif
:lol 我是按照事实起的名没办法啊!
回复 4# 的帖子
呸呸呸小孩说大话 闪不到腰 原帖由 唐建仁 于 2008-3-31 22:02 发表 http://www.jgwy.net/images/common/back.gif呸呸呸小孩说大话 闪不到腰
:Q 都25的人了``
回复 6# 的帖子
那还说些没边的话 原帖由 唐建仁 于 2008-3-31 22:05 发表 http://www.jgwy.net/images/common/back.gif那还说些没边的话
回复 8# 的帖子
天亮了 孩子 醒来吧