我申请NET.RU为什么只收到两封信`不是说三封才成功吗?RIPN NCCDNS.080527204401.19239 (ZUOBIN.NET.RU) - Notification of RIPN Database changes - Dear Madam/Sir, This is to notify you that some object(s) in the RIPN database which you either … 0:44
RIPN NCCDNS.080527204401.19239 (Re: WWW-interface for domains registration: NEW domain) - Dear Madam/Sir, Here are results of processing your request: > From: zuobin331@gmail.com … :L 还会有1封的~ 已经提交成功了,等等吧,解析NS没问题就可以了。 居然让你抢到了:Q :L 申请吧
有了快感你就喊;P 原来这么好申请呀~我又申请了两个哈~ 打死浪费的 :L 我一共就三個RU全是我自己名字開頭的!!樓上的幾個了``?:lol