Dear Liliang Chen, Your UnlimitedMB.com account has been setup.Please print this information for your records. PLEASE READ THIS EMAIL IN ITS ENTIRITY BEFORE USING YOUR ACCOUNT Primary Domain: hihtml.ulmb.comUsername: hihtmlPassword: dan100234 URL to Control Panel:http://account.ulmb.com/ FTP Server:You must login to ftp with your full domain or subdomain as the username.FTP Host: ftp.ulmb.comFTP Username: hihtml.ulmb.com Website URL:http://hihtml.ulmb.com/ Mail Server (POP and SMTP):You must login to the mail server with your full email address (eg. hihtml@ulmb.com)Incoming Mail Server (POP3): mail.ulmb.comOutgoing Mail Server (SMTP): mail.ulmb.comSMTP Authentication: OnSMTP Port: 587 Nameservers:ns1.unlimitedmb.comns2.unlimitedmb.com Help & Support:http://account.ulmb.com/support/ ---- If you want to change your website url:* Login to your Control Panel* Click "My Websites"* Scroll down to "Add a New Subdomain"* Add the URL you want 看过~~ 打不开,不要了 是封IP了吗? 挂代理打开的 打开都封IP就米用了 恩 UnlimitedMB:( 用美國代理就可以申請和登入,不過ftp還是要用net2ftp http://www.ghfw.cn好像有广告的说. http://www.ghfw.cn/info.php