无意中搜索到了这个:http://www.raymond.cc/blog/archives/2008/02/05/free-1-year-kaspersky-anti-virus-genuine-license-key-for-everyone/ 唔~ 竟然有无数回复。。 。。。。。。。。。。
让他们用360吧 The China Kaspersky forum registration website is in Chinese. I can’t read Chinese but no big deal. Google Translate or AltaVista Babel Fish Translation can help to translate the page for us to easily register as a member. Get it quick before it’s gone! 早上好好啊!老狼;P ,昨天晚上看了下哪只“鸟”。没时间测试了,有机会晚上找你的机子试下:lol Now, I’m still using FREE AVG 7.5 Professional for my computer. 强大 国内的空间打入国际市场了 看来中国空间再走向稳定。 冲出亚洲 走向世界:lol