偶: you don't record my old card.Are you?Lailani: our system will autorenew it using the card on our file
Lailani: you can cancel your account 30 days before the renewal date to avoid the auto renewal of the account
偶: If the new card can't to use,How it is auto renew?
Lailani: if the new card not active then it cant be auto renew
偶: ok.Thanks for your answer.
偶: You are a gold support.
偶的英语很烂,高手别见笑! 取消自动续费请提前30天
如果信用卡不能用了将不能自动续费 因为偶把卡号改掉了。呵呵...所以才有那么一问. 偶的卡他是无法扣钱的 把卡的信用度调低,再他怎么有能耐也续不了费!