问下 哪位晓得申请 110MB.COM?
:( * Terms of Service - SignatureRead our entire TOS, and you'll find a signature to enter into this field.
Wrong signature entered! Enter it EXACTLY as you see it in TOS page.
HINT: Maybe you misspelt a word or didn't put a full stop (.) end of signature. Also make sure there's no whitespace after your full stop at the end. So make sure your typing cursor is right next to the full stop.
这个不晓得搞 搞这么多空间干嘛 这空间很垃圾。。。 原帖由 chungwoo 于 2008-11-19 21:22 发表 http://jgwy.net/images/common/back.gif
:( 找空间用 找来找去发现还是原来的好用点 http://webblog.xianba.net/110mb-register-introduce/ You've been sent an email to confirm your account. It'll arrive within 5 minutes.
(If you don't get it then in 30 minutes you can re-register the same username.)
Account created successfully!
前面没看到 图2 :lol 搞定了 Thank you :(
http://s2008.110mb.com 有一个稳定的就可以了 申请的都封iP了 长得帅的就不封