Ipanel V2.09, Free Hosting Script - Nulled
Ipanel V2.09, Free Hosting Script - Nulled by xXfighterXx
Account Creation Automation for Free Web Hosting Companies. iPanel can create both free accounts or normal accounts (with billing) instantly and automatically.
iPanel is currently in use by many free web host providers (allow users to create websites on their servers in exchange for advertising space on the users html pages).
Detailed :
- Admin control panel
- Client control panel
- Email template editor
- Supports subdomain account creation
- Email verification on sign up
- Automatic/admin approval of new accounts
- Toggle top level domain sign ups on and off
- Earnings report
- Mailing list
Incorporate your pre-iPanel hosting accounts easily into the iPanel billing system.
iPanel includes a complex error checking routine to ensure successful account creation.
- Fully customizable order pages which will open normally in an HTML editor like Dreamweaver or Frontpage.
- Easy to install and use!
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Demo: http://www.celebrium.biz/ipanel/members/index.php?username=mom&password=mom (http://ScriptLoad.in/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2FScriptLoad.in%2Fre director.php%3Furl%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252FScriptLoad .in%252Fredirector.php%253Furl%253Dhttp%25253A%252 52F%25252Fwww.celebrium.biz%25252Fipanel%25252Fmem bers%25252Findex.php%25253Fusername%25253Dmom%2525 26password%25253Dmom)
Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/236178653/Ipanel_Nulled_by_xXfighterXx.rar.html