Thank you for signing up with our free trial ASP.NET hosting service.We would like to welcome you to the fast growing community of .NET
We advise you to check our FAQ
(http://europe.webmatrixhosting.net/text.aspx?tmpl=qa) section now,
you will find a lot of useful information there.
Your nickname: gg263
Your website address : http://gg263.europe.webmatrixhosting.net
FTP Address : ftp://gg263@ftp14.webmatrixhosting.net
You can verify and update your account information at any time - just
open http://europe.webmatrixhosting.net, sign-in with your .NET
Passport and go to "My server" page.
Best regards,
WebMatrixHosting Support
去看看 免费顶一下 這个很老了... asp.net的 看看去 看下 偶刚看见的,呵呵 肯定一些朋友也和我一样不知道的 我有个狠强得asp.net得程序都没有地方试试哦!! Unfortunately, we are not ready to serve you right now. In accordance with Terms of use we currently provide .NET trial hosting only for users from EMEA countries (Europe, Middle East and Africa).
If our system has incorrectly identified your country, please write us, and we will investigate the problem and find appropriate solution.
However, we plan to open WebMatrixHosting services in other regions soon. Thank you very much for your interest, it really helps up in planning future WebMatrixHosting services near you.
我晕死哦!!! 下面是引用qbzj于2005-01-01 20:30发表的:
Unfortunately, we are not ready to serve you right now. In accordance with Terms of use we currently provide .NET trial hosting only for users from EMEA countries (Europe, Middle East and Africa).
If our system has incorrectly identified your country, please write us, and we will investigate the problem and find appropriate solution.
However, we plan to open WebMatrixHosting services in other regions soon. Thank you very much for your interest, it really helps up in planning future WebMatrixHosting services near you.