狐狸 发表于 2005 年 1 月 31 日 14:38:25


Dear asdasd: To grant you for the long-term cooperation, and help you target at the Chinese market and expand your business in China, CNOBIN will lower the price of .CN , the discount rate will be as much as 50% ! CNOBIN is an accredited registry by CNNIC (the .cn registry).I hope it will be good news for you to attract more customers and increase your margin. If you are interested in the .CN domain name and want to invest/resell it with even lower price, please feel free to reply this email to contact us for the details. The special offer will begin on 1st, Feb., 2005 Best Wishes, CNOBIN Support Team support@cnobin.com http://www.cnobin.com Domain Name Registrar


狐狸 发表于 2005 年 1 月 31 日 14:38:25


Dear asdasd: To grant you for the long-term cooperation, and help you target at the Chinese market and expand your business in China, CNOBIN will lower the price of .CN , the discount rate will be as much as 50% ! CNOBIN is an accredited registry by CNNIC (the .cn registry).I hope it will be good news for you to attract more customers and increase your margin. If you are interested in the .CN domain name and want to invest/resell it with even lower price, please feel free to reply this email to contact us for the details. The special offer will begin on 1st, Feb., 2005 Best Wishes, CNOBIN Support Team support@cnobin.com http://www.cnobin.com Domain Name Registrar

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