name.com今日起停止提供免费Private Whois
站长之家(月22日消息:国外专业的域名注册商,从今日起,将对所有新注册的域名,取消提供免费的Private Whois。原有的免费服务,改为收费服务,需要提供PrivateWhois的用户,需要额外交$1.99。针对已经注册的用户,免费Private Whois会到当年合同结束期取消。 据了解多数选择name.com注册域名的用户,而不选择价格相对较低的Godaddy注册域名,主要的原因就是看重name.com提供的免费的whois隐私保护服务。此次name.com取消PrivateWhois免费服务,相信会导致多数选择name.com注册域名的用户,重新把眼观聚焦到Godaddy.
Hifolks. always strives to offer the lowest price on all ourproducts and up until today we’ve been able to offer Private Whois forfree for a long time. These types of posts are never fun, and no oneenjoys raising prices, but sometimes it becomes necessary so we cancontinue to offer these great services.
While someregistrars charge as much as eight or nine dollars per domain for thisservice, our new promotional price, starting today, is only $1.99 perdomain annually. This means we are still offering some of the bestpricing for this service anywhere. We realize that changes like thiscan impact our customer’s plans and budgets, so we’ve taken someproactive steps that we feel will help to curb the impact of this newchange. Those actions are:
All domains that currently have Private Whois already turned on will continue to receive it for free.
Thenew pricing will begin today and will only apply to domains that don’talready have Private Whois enabled and/or new domain registrations.
We are running a promotional price of just $1.99/domain per year, which is one of the lowest prices available.
We’vecreated a promo code called “FREEWHOIS” that will discount the currentspecial pricing of $1.99 to $0.00, making this service free for thefirst year for orders using this promo code.
Beyondthat, we will continue to offer promotions for discounted domains, sokeep an eye on this blog and our Twitter and Facebook pages for promocodes.
We hope our customers understand this was adifficult decision for us to make, but that we’ve tried to soften theimpact as much as possible. As always if you have any questions orconcerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our support department oryour account representative.