Zertifikat: 597.at 109大洋买的做什么站好呢
本帖最后由 huaihuai 于 2010-12-9 13:02 编辑*** English version ***
Dear Madam or Sir!
In the name of nic.at, the registry for .at domains, we want to thank you for registering or taking over a .at, .or.at or .co.at domain.
To certify the ownership of your domain, we offer you a domain certificate to download on our website at the following URL:
By registering or taking over an .at domain, you have concluded a contract with nic.at, even if 域名 has been registered with an ISP / registrar and may be accounted by him.
This contract is based on the General Terms & Conditions of nic.at which can be found under http://www.nic.at/agb
To view the certificate, you need a programme to read PDF files (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded for free at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html)
If you have any questions concerning domain administration, please contact your ISP / registrar.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards
Ihr / Your nic.at Service Team
nic.at Internet Verwaltungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft m.b.H.
Jakob-Haringer-Str. 8/V, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Tel: +43 (662) 4669 - 0
传真: +43 (662) 4669 - 29
电子邮件: mailto:service@nic.at
Homepage: http://www.nic.at
Sitz / Registered office: SalzburgLG Salzburg / FN 172568b
UID / VAT-No.: ATU 45305101 DVR: 0968935
等续费。。。 AT好像好贵 回复 binnan 的帖子
129的tc就不贵 我就吃
我就吃台湾... 这个还买啊 ...我的是送的 前段时间好像台湾有的送
没办法转移就是 卖吧。
回复 wykslina 的帖子