黑影计划师 发表于 2005 年 3 月 23 日 12:10:50

全球禁播、野性的相徽 MTV

Robbie Williams小档案
. 出生日期:1974/2/13
. 家庭状况:母亲和妹
. 1997年 推出首张个人大碟《Life Thru A Lens》
. 1998年 获Brit Awards两项提名
. 1999年 推出第二张大碟《I've Been Expecting You》,
. 2000年 在Brit Awards成为全英最佳男歌手,并先后在多个国际奖项中夺奖
. 2000年 成为联合国开心大使及百事可乐巨星
. 2001年 及被杂志《GQ》选为最性感男人
. 2002年 推出第三张个人大碟《Sing When You're Winnin

Robbie Williams公开作个人发展,在九十年代乐坛是一个极大的讽刺,因为他在解散前的著名男孩组合Take That里,一直都只是担任小角色,所做的份内事就是逗人开心,而当Take That解散时,队中五位成员的去向亦只Robbie Williams最叫人担心,因为他在队中从未唱过歌,要作独立发展,开玩笑吧!

世事无绝对,虽然Robbie Williams初出唱片时备受冷落,风头完全给前队友Gary Barlow抢去,可是自从Gary Barlow被揭发吸食可卡因后,声势不但一落千丈,连昔日被喻为Take That中最具才华的神气亦全溜走了。在这此消彼长的情况下,Robbie Williams以一个意想不到的摇滚歌手形象,竟赢得了英伦乐迷的支持。大家也许觉得奇怪,何解这位昔日的搞笑王现在竟能成为摇滚巨星?当然他的首张个人大碟《Life Thru A Lens》,在外获得一致好评是主因,其次就是他是正宗的足球迷。在英国,热爱足球的歌手通常都会获得乐迷的宠幸。尤其他是伦敦老牌球会爱华顿的拥护者,自然在伦敦区得到广泛的支持。

此后的大碟《I've Been Expecting You》,在千禧年出现,配以他的应景劲作《Millenium》,令他的声势更强劲。不过,他的个人宣传技俩更是出色,说的就是他和全伦敦街头都知道的粗口祖Oasis主音Liam Gallagher的骂战。两个大男人由于都是英伦乐坛的焦点人物,所以这场骂战无疑就是世纪之战,亦因两人在美国的声名日盛,连带美国乐迷都对此事深表关注。同年他更Brit Awards、MTV Music Award等夺得大奖。 在前年的七月三十一日,Robbie Williams再度出击,以一首极度讽刺的新歌《Rock DJ》去展示他的英式幽默感,他的第三张大碟《Sing When You're Winning》也同时面世。而前年他更有幸成为百事巨星,及联合国的爱心大使,或者这个世界真的太闷了,每个人都希望Robbie Williams可以搞多些新意出来,即使如周星驰般折磨小朋友也在所不计。

Rock DJ

Me with the floorshow
Kinkin' with your torso
Boys getting high
And the girls even more so
Wave your hands
if you're not with the man
Can I kick it(yes you can)
I got(funk)
You got (soul)
We got everybody
I've got the gift
Gonna stick it in the goal
It's time to move your body

Babylon back in business
Can I get a witness
Everygirl everyman
Houston can you hear me
Ground-control can you feel me
Need permission to land
I don't wanna rock,DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop,DJ
Cause you're keepin' me up all night

Singin' in the classes
Music for your masses
Give no head
No backstage passes
Have a proper giggle
I'll be quite polite
But when I rock the mike
I rock the mike(right)
You got no love
when you're with the wrong man

It's time to move your body
If you can't get girl
but your best friend can
It's time to move your body

I don't wanna be sleazy
Baby just tease me
Got no family planned
Houston can you hear me
Ground-control can you feel me
Need permission to land
I don't wanna rock,DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop,DJ
Cause you're keepin' me up all night

I don't wanna rock,DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it ganna stop ,DJ
Cause you're keepin' me up all night

Pimpin' ain't easy
Most of them fleece me
Every night
Pimpin' ain't easy
But if you're sellin' it
It's alright

Come on
I don't wanna rock,DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna to stop,DJ
'cause you're keepin' me up all night


一塌糊涂 发表于 2005 年 3 月 24 日 13:25:37


hnggyb 发表于 2005 年 3 月 25 日 03:27:07


黑影计划师 发表于 2005 年 3 月 23 日 12:10:50

全球禁播、野性的相徽 MTV

Robbie Williams小档案
. 出生日期:1974/2/13
. 家庭状况:母亲和妹
. 1997年 推出首张个人大碟《Life Thru A Lens》
. 1998年 获Brit Awards两项提名
. 1999年 推出第二张大碟《I've Been Expecting You》,
. 2000年 在Brit Awards成为全英最佳男歌手,并先后在多个国际奖项中夺奖
. 2000年 成为联合国开心大使及百事可乐巨星
. 2001年 及被杂志《GQ》选为最性感男人
. 2002年 推出第三张个人大碟《Sing When You're Winnin

Robbie Williams公开作个人发展,在九十年代乐坛是一个极大的讽刺,因为他在解散前的著名男孩组合Take That里,一直都只是担任小角色,所做的份内事就是逗人开心,而当Take That解散时,队中五位成员的去向亦只Robbie Williams最叫人担心,因为他在队中从未唱过歌,要作独立发展,开玩笑吧!

世事无绝对,虽然Robbie Williams初出唱片时备受冷落,风头完全给前队友Gary Barlow抢去,可是自从Gary Barlow被揭发吸食可卡因后,声势不但一落千丈,连昔日被喻为Take That中最具才华的神气亦全溜走了。在这此消彼长的情况下,Robbie Williams以一个意想不到的摇滚歌手形象,竟赢得了英伦乐迷的支持。大家也许觉得奇怪,何解这位昔日的搞笑王现在竟能成为摇滚巨星?当然他的首张个人大碟《Life Thru A Lens》,在外获得一致好评是主因,其次就是他是正宗的足球迷。在英国,热爱足球的歌手通常都会获得乐迷的宠幸。尤其他是伦敦老牌球会爱华顿的拥护者,自然在伦敦区得到广泛的支持。

此后的大碟《I've Been Expecting You》,在千禧年出现,配以他的应景劲作《Millenium》,令他的声势更强劲。不过,他的个人宣传技俩更是出色,说的就是他和全伦敦街头都知道的粗口祖Oasis主音Liam Gallagher的骂战。两个大男人由于都是英伦乐坛的焦点人物,所以这场骂战无疑就是世纪之战,亦因两人在美国的声名日盛,连带美国乐迷都对此事深表关注。同年他更Brit Awards、MTV Music Award等夺得大奖。 在前年的七月三十一日,Robbie Williams再度出击,以一首极度讽刺的新歌《Rock DJ》去展示他的英式幽默感,他的第三张大碟《Sing When You're Winning》也同时面世。而前年他更有幸成为百事巨星,及联合国的爱心大使,或者这个世界真的太闷了,每个人都希望Robbie Williams可以搞多些新意出来,即使如周星驰般折磨小朋友也在所不计。

Rock DJ

Me with the floorshow
Kinkin' with your torso
Boys getting high
And the girls even more so
Wave your hands
if you're not with the man
Can I kick it(yes you can)
I got(funk)
You got (soul)
We got everybody
I've got the gift
Gonna stick it in the goal
It's time to move your body

Babylon back in business
Can I get a witness
Everygirl everyman
Houston can you hear me
Ground-control can you feel me
Need permission to land
I don't wanna rock,DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop,DJ
Cause you're keepin' me up all night

Singin' in the classes
Music for your masses
Give no head
No backstage passes
Have a proper giggle
I'll be quite polite
But when I rock the mike
I rock the mike(right)
You got no love
when you're with the wrong man

It's time to move your body
If you can't get girl
but your best friend can
It's time to move your body

I don't wanna be sleazy
Baby just tease me
Got no family planned
Houston can you hear me
Ground-control can you feel me
Need permission to land
I don't wanna rock,DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna stop,DJ
Cause you're keepin' me up all night

I don't wanna rock,DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it ganna stop ,DJ
Cause you're keepin' me up all night

Pimpin' ain't easy
Most of them fleece me
Every night
Pimpin' ain't easy
But if you're sellin' it
It's alright

Come on
I don't wanna rock,DJ
But you're making me feel so nice
When's it gonna to stop,DJ
'cause you're keepin' me up all night

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查看完整版本: 全球禁播、野性的相徽 MTV