The following is an email sent to you by an administrator of "Broadiecarpark". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at the following address:forum@atbcp.net
Include this full email (particularly the headers).
Message sent to you follows:
Hello members of broadiecarpark, we have now started our paid web hosting service checkit out at http://www.broadiehost.com In order to keep the free webhosting free we need to recive at least 10 paid hosting customers within the next 10 days, How is that possible you might ask??
Well we are asking you to go to all the forums replated to hosting to try and promote www.broadiehost.com, by promoting it you are getting us paid customers. if you are unsure on what to do please e-mail info@broadiehost.com
Thank you for all your support
BCP admin
看样他是没赚不上钱了,过几天不知道会不会关掉免费空间………… maybe!!! 我也收到.不理咯.嘿嘿 应该不会
我对这个空间有充分信心 没有这个空间,放心哦 下面是引用wslnb于2005-04-01 22:36发表的:
没有这个空间,放心哦 只在上面放了两个叶子,却绑了两个米.不担心,挂了的话就转. 还没收到信! 收到好几次 收到了 希望别挂 还是满喜欢这个空间的