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[转贴] 讯连全方位高效能转码 CyberLink MediaEspresso 6.5.1229.33995 简体中文版(Keygen)

发表于 2011 年 1 月 11 日 17:51:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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中文名: 讯连全方位高效能转码软件
英文名: CyberLink MediaEspresso
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: v6.5.1229.33995/含注册机/多国语言版含中文
发行时间: 2011年
制作发行: CyberLink 讯连地区: 台湾
语言: 简体中文,繁体中文,多语言
2010年7月26日,台北,数字家庭软件解决方案领导厂商,讯连科技(5203.TW)全新推出由「MediaShow Espresso」重新命名而来的「MediaEspresso 6」快速 影片转文件软件 。新版「MediaEspresso 6」可将影像丶相片及音乐档案输出至行动装置播放,比如iPhone及Google Android等智能型手机丶iPods及iPads等媒体播放器以及Xbox 360丶PlayStation 3等游戏机。「MediaEspresso 6」内建TrueTheater Technology全新功能,影片转文件时仍可强化影像质量功能。
「市面上多媒体播放装置的档案格式及分辨率各有不同。」 讯连科技 总经理张华祯表示:「『MediaEspresso 6』不仅拥有超高速转文件功能,其智能型侦测技术,能自动侦测使用者的行动装置,并将多媒体档案转换成兴装置兼容的播放格式,并可透过TrueTheater Technolog强化影像质量。」
讯连科技 「MediaEspresso 6」提供简单好用且有效率的转文件功能,并整合影像丶相片及音乐档案至各种多媒体播放装置。使用者不需了解复杂的档案格式及设定,只需透过USB连结硬件装置以及选择多媒体内容,「MediaEspresso 6」就会完成所有的转档工作。
讯连科技 「MediaEspresso 6」完全发挥CPU及GPU的多核心平行运算处理效能,有效提高转文件速度,是同时支持2010 Intel® Core"处理器家族丶NVIDIA® CUDA" 及 ATI® Stream"技术的高效转文件软件,提供更快的视讯转码速度并维持良好的影片画质。。
MediaEspresso 6主要特性:
1、全面支持支持Intel Core i7/i5/i3、NVIDIA CUDA、ATI Stream三种视频转码加速技术。
3、支持iPhone、Google Android、BlackBerry(黑莓)、Windows Mobile等智能手机(支持厂商品牌包括苹果、宏碁、RIM、HTC、LG、诺基亚、三星、索尼爱立信等等),iPod、iPad、PSP、Zune等播放器,Xbox 360、PS3等游戏主机。
4、引入“TrueTheater Lighting”技术,可在转码的同时智能调节视频饱和度、亮度,让影片更加清晰、明亮,并有“TrueTheater Denoise”降噪技术。
MediaEspresso 6现已在线发售,提供包括简体中文在内的九种语言版本,价格方面完全版39.95美元/270元人民币,升级版19.95美元/139元人民币。
详情请见官网:http://cn.cyberlink.com/products ... overview_zh_CN.html
"支持更多文件格式 - 视频,照片和音乐文件
"优化的处理器Intel酷睿"i3,i5和i7处理器,支持CUDA"的NVIDIA ®,以及ATI ®流"获得更好的性能


CyberLink MediaEspresso 6 is the successor to CyberLink MediaShow Espresso 5.5. With enhanced CPU/GPU acceleration, MediaEspresso is a faster way to convert your video and your music and image files between a wide range of popular formats. Now you can easily display your favorite movies, songs and photos on iPhone, iPad, PSP, Xbox, Youtube, Facebook etc. Compile, convert and enjoy images and songs as much as you want and enhance your videos to new levels with TrueTheater Technology.
Enjoy ultra fast media conversion with MediaEspresso‘s support for the latest hardware acceleration, including Intel® Core" i7 Extreme Edition, i5, and i3; NVIDIA® CUDA"; and ATI® Stream" technology. Use MediaEspresso’s handy batch function to make the conversion process of your media files even faster. Import the files or complete folders, and let MediaEspresso handle the conversion process for you. No need to stick by your computer till the end.
Leverage your CPU muscle and transcode efficiently: up to 6 media files at once, thanks to MediaEspresso’s support for Intel’s powerful Core" i7 Extreme Edition processor. Intel’s CPU utilizes up to 6 processing cores and 12 threads simultaneously.
MediaEspresso now supports up to 59 output devices, including Smart Phones such as the new Apple iPhone 4, Game Consoles and other media players like the iPad, iPod, PSP3, Xbox 360... You can enjoy your media files on nearly any media player.
Always wanted to share your converted video and/or image files on a social platform? Piece of cake with MediaEspresso’s direct export function to YouTube and Facebook. Simply click on the tab of your choice to start the export process.
MediaEspresso makes your media conversion process even easier with the Customizable Favorite Settings functions. Simply save the media profiles of the media players you use the most and enjoy fast access for your future conversions.
Featuring CyberLink TrueTheater" technology that makes your videos look so much better once they are converted. MediaEspresso not only converts quickly but also improves your video's output quality simultaneously for an enhanced viewing experience on the platform of your choice. Powerful TrueTheater" Denoise and TrueTheater" Lightning technologies allow you to improve the overall lighting of your video and remove the noise and artifacts. Not only does MediaEspresso convert videos, it also enhances the video quality for a better viewing experience.
Introducing the new Desktop Gadget for even faster, more convenient file conversions. MediaEspresso now allows you to directly Drag-and-Drop the media files you want to convert to the Desktop Gadget. As a universal converter, MediaEspresso converts video, image or music files that you can enjoy on the device or social platform of your choice. Regardless of format support, or conversion processes, MediaEspresso makes your life easier and your viewing experience unique!
MediaEspresso makes conversion and playing child's play. No need to memorize media profiles. Simply select the device of your choice and MediaEspresso selects the optimal hardware acceleration setting for your computer.Learn more about all the device supported
Ultra Fast Universal Media Converter:
" Ultra fast media conversion with batch & multi-thread conversion
" Smart Detection of the best media profile of the connected device
" Direct Sync for various media devices: iPhone, iPad, PSP, ...etc.
" Enhance video quality instantly with TrueTheater" Technology
" Extensive media format support – video, photo and music files
" Optimized for Intel Core" i3, i5, and i7, NVIDIA® CUDA", & ATI® Stream" for fast performances
" Share media to Facebook, Youtube and output to iTunes
Size: 265.13MB
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Home Page: www.cyberlink.com
Interface: Multilingual (CHN)
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