发表于 2005 年 12 月 5 日 20:51:33
一个新成立的在线支付系统公司cashpayway(德语,支持英语,西班牙语等),目前在大力作广 T3 x8 h) W6 Q
5 |% n4 N2 e# y5 _2 b# ^% _; x告。如果你在12月31号前注册,你的帐号里就会有25欧元我已经拿到了:-)。3 o3 l1 r2 P- Y" R* S
" `8 ?! e; }* P9 q+ m& o2 m+ V K }$ C
赶在12月31号前注册,错过了就没有了。# n1 @, Y3 G7 i
请大家不要作弊,作弊会被K掉,同时也会毁坏中国人在国外的名声的。8 v/ L2 l! R+ |/ P
& G, ]0 Q0 g1 I# I+ l7 p圣诞节到了,公司的活动也比较多,大家多留意,多交流哦。0 D" T* z d# \$ q+ T
2 j& {# T" d: { ~3 ?& v6 V
" T" g. p9 w. y7 [# a/ [
3 _% z, r P' LHier kostenlos registrieren(免费注册由此进入)--> rivatkonto->之后在Sprache(语言)- n. F, ^9 T) o& c, \
3 s$ ^0 ] H$ L
6 L0 ?: ~, {$ ^/ O# K
7 P8 Q, q" n8 I: T不懂德文的可以选英文注册,继续下去就是大家熟悉的英文了2 @4 ~% {& Y( c r
6 ^# O9 w1 Z* u( z$ u5 F附上德文解释:' w) e, q& f; ]4 F
7 I( |) @6 I1 n0 unachname:姓
) s% g3 n- M+ ]/ u8 M( O# KAdresszeile1:地址1% u( {" q" F4 L
Adresszeile2:地址2: G4 f' R' A9 `0 E) u: a* h$ d# C$ _
( H w6 G3 \9 `8 xPLZ:邮编
8 G7 Y# p' l2 e& A& P" K4 J6 U& RLand:国家(中国) F5 J6 w2 S, G$ w
Staatangehoerigkeit:国籍0 K3 R+ \/ i* ?0 P8 B' V* L: G
Telefon privat:私人电话
" X! K2 Q1 {1 lTelefon geschaeftlich:公司电话8 O3 Q1 w; g+ V. N5 Q( K& `
E-Mail-Adresse:email地址* I" C3 X9 \! @( |$ X6 t
E-Mail-Adresse erneut eingeben:地址再输入一遍
2 ]0 n9 F2 d, Z. HPassword:密码
( l; t% t) j8 t% P. BPassword erneut eingeben:密码再输入一遍
/ \% M6 L( v, _5 k, xZufallszahl:随机数(这是自动生产的)
" a4 U- {" K4 `$ g. p. s1 hZufallszahl wiederholen:请照抄随机数
, Q' i( v3 q- V1 u+ V T6 n% K4 FHier klicken fuer die Registrierung:点击一下. l" P$ G. C- k; m2 w& o
) c) I5 O' L% }! I8 |# n9 }1 p H5 @& D, C1 F
注册地址:http://www.cashpayway.com' }! K9 ?2 I" l7 y) M+ o2 P' n
# y2 }8 F. @/ l7 a3 L+ T7 ]
+ C* G/ {" m0 M h) m8 F4 S" K% O- B( \
2 i1 L1 r6 \2 \& MCordially welcome at BesPayWay,
8 e( ^: [9 q( M' Lthe new payment-system on the Internet!
; Q) O0 |2 u$ @: p: q5 k, \" t+ h
! q6 O" r% T6 l/ Vhttp://www.cashpayway.com
0 U. R) ]% d, m2 J1 w6 K' O
& @+ E: _. k Q0 G9 N9 b5 J" I) j) z2 [
BestPayWay a payment system this with the start already signs places. You should participate from the beginning when a new Micro-payment-Giant is emerging. Now register gratuitously here and profit >>> .
K+ P3 q. n+ \9 j! r
$ |7 `+ t8 ?/ k1 A7 f7 r" a; b0 C# kPreLaunch-Phase until 31st of December 2005% ~8 x: \# d$ }) u& s
On all your recruited partners, you get until the 31. December 2005 interesting sponsor commissions over 5 levels. From 01st of January 2006 we expand world-wide. If you already built up a somehow big customer and partner circle until that time, you will profit on all accruing transaction fees for lifetime and that is simply sensational!
9 Q. x t: C# d* Q, r+ q% f
9 j* }: R" ^# W1 n* x9 u6 }! Whttp://www.cashpayway.com
5 F5 Y. e& J* J& S) x- _/ M
1 P6 y5 \' D5 _: _( @- G8 D+ s n5 e6 h3 S* W! g) S. a) d# Z
New partner program
& b7 j4 K% T8 ]- v# Pover 5 levels / T# K( D* _) E! O( \5 N
16. September 2005
3 Y6 s5 \6 ]9 N& T) [* Z4 oBenefit from now of our lucrative partner program with PreLaunch commissions until 31st of De-cember 2005! " t# t) z4 l6 H3 N) `& d
- 25.00 |