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大家情人节快乐..送给大家一首我最喜欢的歌--Santa Monica

发表于 2006 年 2 月 14 日 12:24:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  [wmv]http://www.zhzx.net.cn/student/studentpage/bright/omrh/savagegarden/11.wma[/wmv]$ u3 b0 D. F4 @. ]3 x) ^
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; Y3 ~1 l3 d; E# U$ K0 P# ~  k4 M" \; l9 g3 _4 [% J+ f
0 z: k- N0 V) b0 g; y/ D; T9 ~. }Santa Monica 中/英 歌词  5 d& Z! ], S" J  g
“在Santa Monica, 在那寒冷的冬季,
' L0 T2 w0 K4 y. n' M: W慵懒的街道显得如此从容,
6 V: Y  J+ G4 V9 p! ~# K# P我举步走进人群。
3 M, l/ R+ y" `在Santa Monica,在散步的路上,
# G/ I6 M* W; Z, E$ f甚至在最寒冷的地方你也可以买到一杯咖啡,
2 K$ J: s0 ?5 L0 m6 u" K( w此时你身边的人群穿得光鲜亮丽,
8 e5 M/ L& S4 N, t% G; q9 N7 [  r7 J当你每一次转身,都会发现无论何地都是如此相似。 ( G- s7 p3 `' T3 p7 a9 V
6 I  r& ~( K  |8 x4 T% r8 u0 ?  
- @' u, \) o+ B8 ?! }2 M6 I然而在电话里我可以装扮成任何人, $ P  K& t' l2 C
装扮任何我想装扮的人, 1 }4 Q3 r  F) }+ @4 Z* j
我可以是一个超级名模,也可以是一个普通的诺曼第邮差, - S& P: d, h" S0 e5 N/ b2 t+ {' I3 C
, l  E' Z$ W5 E- \) E1 N8 D  
: z0 R8 }1 m7 R3 n, x! M4 m! h在Santa Monica, 每一个人都要给自己取一个时髦的名字, 5 F/ r6 q& a6 P' d( ~/ v
“Jake” 或者“Mandy”等等,诸如此类, 3 h) u7 @2 Q8 d$ s/ B5 z
0 L! X, q* o6 U( E在Santa Monica, 在那林荫大道,
' g  T  ?' J9 m* a9 M你躲闪着身边的溜冰者, $ `- |: ~3 G3 d% C: }
# L: O% p6 `, @8 Q& W9 g我从未感到如此的孤独,从未感到如此迷茫。
* V# k! m2 X- G我从未有过如此的感觉。
% s" Z0 H) B8 |  . H( R& U/ j! o' U1 q8 m# X% @
" Q7 Y) \' h: s* r装扮任何我想装扮的人, 6 C: T- J3 P6 O- S. b  p
6 o6 M  Z9 h1 Z4 s而你能察觉到其中的不同吗? . o, [7 P  r$ {# E7 x' ^
4 q* [) \% {; k% a3 a8 D, ]: `我可以是一个身披斗篷的十字军战士,亦或是一个外太空的入侵者。 * x) y) r9 k9 G& B
9 Y$ s+ T3 A% h, J( y, v" Z3 s  I( D9 i  o' v2 ^! n

/ k+ y! V) ]' d, W( D1 N
0 S  s5 F( C- o  BIn Santa Monica, in the wintertime, 9 ~& x" u) p% ^) L/ n
The lazy streets so undemanding
+ e% y' r6 K- A& F) C+ }I walk into the crowd
* j4 x: V' x1 X/ c' s7 PIn Santa Monica, you get your coffee from
6 v) `2 w9 y( r! e, c: P$ iThe coolest places on the promenade : k# N) u" K2 a7 m! |# K" [
Where people dress just so
; S+ ?" ^) G: ~2 Y# H; q$ }Beauty so unavoidable, everywhere you turn
' t. Q: E, [" j1 P, G) pIt's there. ; D$ Q3 k3 b7 t5 i- [; {# f1 t- H
I sit and wonder what am I doing here? , ^4 y3 V* ?3 W; y$ s6 R& _

" B2 _# Y2 z8 z6 X9 I' |/ @But on the telephone line I am anyone
8 C, C1 y' Y$ p; }I am anything I want to be.
. J: J# }: B) n5 F/ ^I could be a super model or Norman Mailer
7 `( |1 K! q! b! L- w  E% yAnd you wouldn't know the difference 3 ~2 w; g! r; d8 i! M" s$ i7 Y
Or would you?
6 H9 s  \, q  G! a# v, l3 {- h  R# d5 A  R% X" n9 r7 x; N
In Santa Monica, all the people got modern names % s& q  s; J+ ]0 {" j0 w% g
Like Jake or Mandy
  Z8 p, @$ ]7 s2 c" P0 m# l1 HAnd modern bodies too
- e  L1 Y7 h& F' WIn Santa Monica, on the boulevard,
! k4 I1 z* `7 L3 V2 p3 j+ E3 ?You'll have to dodge those in-line skaters 2 m" _8 m5 S- {9 M% P) t% x
Or they'll knock you down
" o  w# L+ y7 x) H% oI never felt so lonely, " p  `: \) B6 N8 I2 T0 b3 e0 L
Never felt so out of place
# i. ^# T' M4 @% q& H; sI never wanted something more than this ( b" k: [6 M/ e

4 F6 W1 a$ \6 C6 X7 i, JBut on the telephone line I am anyone ) V3 s( n) x- g1 u& j) _& m1 v
I am anything I want to be % o' L7 j! N% d6 n
I could be a super model or Norman Mailer : N% ^; u; n  n" Q) F! O
And you wouldn't know the difference + C3 {2 c# f& U! g9 f/ f
On the telephone line, I am any height
3 w( {5 Y' M- o; LI am any age I want to be / x: X$ I) C+ M
I could be a caped crusader, or space invader ; E5 \7 F( B- }4 L9 Q0 z
And you wouldn't know the difference
7 m3 ^: G" K0 k; GOr would you?
& i( M$ q. r+ M& x* M5 [( \8 Y2 J* J" R4 e; x  o8 j: `
Or would you? ; r) E7 u" [' X" z) q. F4 [

- F, i, R0 c9 k' W: d$ G! w" uBut on the telephone line I am anyone 1 S8 `, {1 l( \& V
I am anything I want to be + [3 ~! b+ x% w9 z( u  L
I could be a super model or Norman Mailer ' P( Z, s4 K% ?& y5 V% ^
And you wouldn't know the difference % k+ f0 |( O9 G, S7 h+ o
On the telephone line, I am any height - {" o% K9 h, s# X% z
I am any age I want to be
; X+ h% H$ [1 g- {3 mI could be a caped crusader, or space invader
$ E& w8 N  M* ~- A* z) i( f+ vAnd you wouldn't know the difference ' h, I3 q- D, Y4 z/ J
Or would you?
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net
发表于 2006 年 2 月 14 日 12:26:17 | 显示全部楼层
【腾讯云】2核2G云服务器新老同享 99元/年,续费同价
不错 [s:15]
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006 年 2 月 14 日 12:40:39 | 显示全部楼层
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

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 楼主| 发表于 2006 年 2 月 14 日 12:41:49 | 显示全部楼层
引用第2楼oghuz2006-02-14 12:40发表的“”:, {/ i* c9 }$ I8 @( Z" K& R
[s:11] 这么直接
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006 年 2 月 14 日 12:24:48 | 显示全部楼层

大家情人节快乐..送给大家一首我最喜欢的歌--Santa Monica

  [wmv]http://www.zhzx.net.cn/student/studentpage/bright/omrh/savagegarden/11.wma[/wmv]4 d4 }5 q& k8 `
下载>>http://www.zhzx.net.cn/student/s ... savagegarden/11.wma
1 I" X' V7 G- l1 h. \' t2 P0 F6 ^9 q$ w/ ]
好美* W; F& H5 b5 k4 Y; U' t4 s" G
Santa Monica 中/英 歌词  
. {( ?& w* F. ?8 u8 x “在Santa Monica, 在那寒冷的冬季, 2 u6 }, N$ A. e" B  l$ E4 t( j' N
慵懒的街道显得如此从容, / [. O% a6 V9 }3 s7 k9 g
$ p% N0 }( ]/ z. A5 K在Santa Monica,在散步的路上, % X8 [/ O# z' c& t% Z* E
甚至在最寒冷的地方你也可以买到一杯咖啡, 9 D. X$ j% V2 b0 R
此时你身边的人群穿得光鲜亮丽, , `0 `- K$ T& d, H
# G0 V  p8 u* R/ X+ T$ x' _我坐下,我思考,我为什么在这里? ( b2 @' W0 @$ }% ]8 {, p
  3 [$ d) G3 T  n
3 K" S% @4 K( y( i- U6 x% t装扮任何我想装扮的人,
$ u0 f7 y% ~/ P+ {我可以是一个超级名模,也可以是一个普通的诺曼第邮差, $ ^$ O6 ]) d% `7 L6 A. L
而你能察觉到其中的不同吗? 2 Q5 T! W, B1 E9 a9 O. V! O
  + ]) D$ |1 \2 h. h, c6 {
在Santa Monica, 每一个人都要给自己取一个时髦的名字,
9 L4 Y5 }: n1 ^( W0 }“Jake” 或者“Mandy”等等,诸如此类, * Y4 t' K/ B/ \7 O+ i
就连他们的身体也是如此时髦。 ! b; G9 C1 p. Y
在Santa Monica, 在那林荫大道, ' a0 _8 h8 v' W  l
你躲闪着身边的溜冰者, 8 ?# @; [0 I% U9 D1 t' ]  Q0 ]; i
3 \, _! K. R+ ]. ~" I! Q+ y我从未感到如此的孤独,从未感到如此迷茫。 + _# H' j3 t: n2 Z3 ^- Q, x% J
% J4 ^& e& p$ p& l3 F  
/ o# J0 N: K3 k; F: m5 s然而在电话里我可以装扮成任何人,
. g( V% R0 D; o装扮任何我想装扮的人, " F/ h0 I& X( A5 Y1 m$ q- O, F
2 k( L; g: c- Q% W/ o& ?6 c7 W% R而你能察觉到其中的不同吗? 9 a+ L5 @9 U: e" {# W
在电话里我可以是任何身高,任何年纪,只要我想, 9 c6 y" F3 Y3 Z4 V+ e6 U
6 C1 p' b/ C5 b; {) p% F9 C而你能察觉到其中的不同吗?” % u1 `$ I9 b1 k3 z, g
8 }5 N- q. G1 m* A1 f" W

4 ?- W8 Q) y4 o# o3 |% U
8 ]) J( P0 }4 ]In Santa Monica, in the wintertime,
6 \3 U7 Q/ x4 p1 k& p3 nThe lazy streets so undemanding
0 A0 u& B# R7 `& S, _! GI walk into the crowd
) R- R4 f: h1 Q5 gIn Santa Monica, you get your coffee from
" F& H7 G8 K7 \) a  I8 MThe coolest places on the promenade : G; G( P4 _6 S# V" s
Where people dress just so 2 U  G/ q0 |3 W' Q! O& F! I
Beauty so unavoidable, everywhere you turn 1 f/ G# T7 x1 ~: _
It's there.
+ T; y  r. s) f6 g2 r  @) y; KI sit and wonder what am I doing here? 6 N" r/ f! u  A% _' f
6 R1 I8 N. ?; r2 r. |! |$ [
But on the telephone line I am anyone
0 A7 Q5 n/ e/ [) ^2 w; o' O4 LI am anything I want to be.
& A5 L9 c9 e6 A7 rI could be a super model or Norman Mailer
  g& ^3 q5 ?% ?/ w( O2 RAnd you wouldn't know the difference
4 N% q* B# Y% e0 D2 POr would you? ( c( ]: G6 O4 }. g2 @
" @2 U8 ?' Y) x/ ~
In Santa Monica, all the people got modern names & O4 M+ T# ^& Z) a. o) K
Like Jake or Mandy   C" ^+ }1 `5 v, J
And modern bodies too
) z5 _; t( ?6 T( O- X; H. QIn Santa Monica, on the boulevard,   U+ N" {4 A9 r8 e7 M( W% {7 q% j! G
You'll have to dodge those in-line skaters 0 a7 b; A7 Y5 G0 [5 c6 \
Or they'll knock you down
( l2 ]4 [& ^' W. BI never felt so lonely, ( ^1 g  Y( r1 S+ T9 y" _! m4 ]% S
Never felt so out of place
7 W6 Y8 |: L+ J! {: b% z7 mI never wanted something more than this 3 L( B4 \3 N- t* G1 [! i
' _# ?3 W+ W; T! H, S. S9 r0 q" Q
But on the telephone line I am anyone
1 I/ q. {6 `3 o" UI am anything I want to be ! q3 o% P+ R3 X
I could be a super model or Norman Mailer
  y8 P  p" \8 K. N! PAnd you wouldn't know the difference
2 N# F5 |8 |! V( k0 ^On the telephone line, I am any height
. B" Z( d, U) ^I am any age I want to be * `( L! ]4 W6 K
I could be a caped crusader, or space invader
/ G, l1 J7 k  }  c4 S0 ^  G& `And you wouldn't know the difference 7 u5 c0 Y# l/ [# R3 B- j; ]9 ?5 G- c
Or would you?
0 s: J0 l/ y- H0 q# c
1 \6 o/ ~3 x+ _& p; UOr would you?
* M1 [: d* X. N6 x1 P1 a
+ }# H$ I0 M7 J. r( }- c8 f3 K, H6 Z) oBut on the telephone line I am anyone 3 [$ p1 F6 n( E1 c5 I. \
I am anything I want to be 9 p  r' Q& V4 u3 l1 C4 z7 w9 m5 k; ^- x
I could be a super model or Norman Mailer
" I9 x4 O% }! l7 U% G+ S& T9 S3 XAnd you wouldn't know the difference - u; Q! v7 c. E6 f8 U
On the telephone line, I am any height
7 l- }  L* A! [. n/ yI am any age I want to be
0 n2 y( Q$ \' G$ R" T1 T9 ?I could be a caped crusader, or space invader
& B* S5 _1 e( ?, X8 I* |$ {) tAnd you wouldn't know the difference
6 Q( R4 p) g- d& dOr would you?
Jgwy.Com - Free Web Hosting Guide & Directory In China since 2001! Jgwy.Net-Jglt.Net

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