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http://mystipix.com/ogxhfknl.jpg◎片 名 月亮/月神/迷情逆恋 La Luna(1979)IMDB:0079495 8 p, b u8 I) v1 D' ^
◎类 别 剧情
7 }( x7 _1 |$ z# @, ]- P" @# H◎导 演 贝纳多·贝托鲁奇 Bernardo Bertolucci (《末代皇帝》《1900》)
: p! B5 i% u9 l8 N) H6 A◎编 剧 Franco Arcalli,贝纳多·贝托鲁奇 Bernardo Bertolucci 5 [ ]1 U7 |6 u5 e4 y" @6 L9 u) u+ T7 @
◎主 演 吉尔.克莱布格 Jill Clayburgh Caterina Silveri
, F+ ~* _2 n2 t- S7 z2 y* [ 罗伯托·贝尼尼 Roberto Benigni Upholsterer
# ?9 h( t; R2 j( J' F 馬修巴瑞 Matthew Barry Joe Silveri
3 b- ~0 Y- f0 ?5 z4 U5 [$ T' h 弗雷德·格温 Fred Gwynne Douglas Winter ( H8 t8 l1 ~3 \+ G
3 @/ w7 T' G. v' g◎其他片名 月神/月亮
! h: V- e' S$ Q) g$ U◎片 长 136 Min - J; B# z% r2 {; e3 d
◎国 家 意大利
( R+ \0 ~2 I; T( k& o# p( U◎语 言 意大利语/英语 $ f2 s! Y1 ~5 p7 J# S7 g' R3 C
◎级 别 Finland:K-16 / USA:R / Argentina:16
. N+ E! H) V( Y3 B◎文件格式 XviD MP3 2 q2 b2 ^" y2 K: [$ P
◎视频尺寸 576 x 432
6 p' T" N2 f& |0 S z; |◎文件大小 2CD 2 x 49 x 15MB % S8 Q0 Q7 B/ v" }; Z$ ^- a2 B# Y. H
! u4 X1 s3 U. ?9 n5 h* ^; h& @
) S9 i3 z$ S, z4 v◎简 介
) W; a' ^& a8 v" `8 u; p
- P. K; r4 J3 [4 D+ w Recently widowed American opera diva Caterina takes her teenaged son Joe with her on a long singing tour to Italy. Absorbed in her hectic work in various Verdi operas around Rome, Caterina is soon shocked to discover that her troubledlonely son has become a heroin addict. Her desperate attempts to wean the youth off the drug result in an incestuous relationship, but also in a possibility to reunite Joe--maybe even herself--with his real father, whose existence she has kept a secret from him. ! W, l% b; e7 q @$ G# h
) e, |# z2 |+ f+ i
* S9 V0 [8 o6 Z1 F: E4 E, _' M6 S5 ]
本片是意大利导演贝纳多.贝尔托鲁奇继1973年的【巴黎最后探戈】后,又一部饱受争议的佛洛依德式情欲电影,原译【月神】,吉尔.克莱布格、罗伯托.贝尼尼、馬修巴瑞合演。 # k: C: k& `1 g+ B# a; T% g
% C& i! |2 `& n( L5 } 乔在父亲死后,陪母亲卡特琳娜赴意大利参加歌剧演出,却因寂寞而染上毒瘾,使卡特琳娜份外心痛,对乔百般迁就,竟使两人发展出一段畸恋,在道德觉醒下,幸未造成大错。卡特琳娜不得已将隐藏多年,乔另有生父的秘密说出,为使父母破镜重圆,乔乃前去找寻亲身父亲。
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# c1 W! x- H. T* i$ Dhttp://www.btyes.com/btfile8/20060423130110_0.torrent |